Versatile Blogger Award!


Happy October everyone! 🙂

Today I’m so honored and glad to announce that my blog has been nominated for “Versatile Blogger Award” by a fellow blogger named Amrutaa from Amrutaa, A big ‘Thanks to You’ for considering my blog. 🙂

I didn’t know about this award (or any online blog awards) until I received the nomination.

I would like to pass this nomination (with a list of Questions) to other fellow bloggers and wish them all the best for their blogging future.

Here are the nominations:


Seven Random Facts About Me: (that you might not even care to know 😀 )

1. I can’t see a child sad. It literally breaks my heart.

2. I am a fitness lover. Workout and music in my ears, is my thing.

3. I have a living dream of traveling around the world. I believe in earning experiences than keeping money in my bank account.

4. I admire people with beautiful hearts and beautiful souls. I don’t care how they look  from outside.

5. I love learning about things and stuff, in general.

6. I am a hardcore critic.

7. I am Netflix addict 😀


My Questions for the Nominees:

1 Why did you start your blog?

2 How did you come up with the name?

3 Who inspires you?

4 What’s the first thing on your bucket list?

5 What has been the hardest part of blogging for you so far?

Thank you so much Amrutaa!

Happy weekend Y’all. 🙂

See you soon in the next post.

Until then…

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